Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Cheat Days and Fudge Rounds

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Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a Message Minute.

Mmmmm...Fudge Rounds, that creamy light fudge sandwiched between two rich chocolate cookies and topped with a wave of wonderful fudge icing!   Do I have your attention yet?  I admit, there's nothing healthy about that Little Debbie delight that I like.  Yet even the best diets suggest that a cheat day indulging in something you enjoy is a good thing.  Even Solomon said, "So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad." (Ecclesiastes 8:15a)

I'd like you to consider making this Sunday your cheat day and enjoy whatever snack cake you want after donating a gift from the heart as you give blood in the blood drive I'm hosting at Washington Church of Christ.  Sign up on our website at Washingtoncoc.org and request your favorite indulgence so you can spend a moment to be glad at the gift of life you gave and the fudge round craved.  Again, to help in giving life to another this Sunday, sign up at www.washingtoncoc.org.  You'll be glad you did.

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  Message Minutes are sponsored by  Washington Church of Christ and recorded for the public 107.9 The Memories WAMW morning radio program.  They air at approximately 7:35am on Weekday Mornings.
To find more of the Message Minutes that have been uploaded to this blog CLICK HERE.  

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