How to Win
by: Christopher Wiles
Joe Bertone of Arvada Church of Christ found this little bit of history that I share here.
“In 1930 in a small Oklahoma town, the highschool football team was losing every game badly. Finally, a wealthy oil producer decided to take matters in his own hands. He asked to speak to the team in the locker room after yet another devastating defeat. This business man proceeded to offer a brand new Ford to every boy on the team and to each coach if they would simply defeat their bitter rivals in the next game.
The team went crazy with sheer delight. For seven days, the boys ate, drank and breathed football. At night they dreamed about touchdowns and rumbleseats. The entire school caught the spirit of ecstasy, and a holiday fever pervaded the campus. Each player could visualize himself behind the wheel of a gorgeous coup with the attention of the girls in school focused solely on them.
Finally, the big night arrived and the team assembled in the locker room. Excitement was at an unprecedented high. The coach made several inane comments and the boys hurried out to face the enemy. They assembled on the sidelines, put their hands together and shouted a simultaneous "Rah!" Then they ran onto the field and were demolished, 38 to zero.”
The team's exuberance did not translate into a single point on the scoreboard. Seven days of hooray and whoop-de-do simply couldn't compensate for the players' lack of discipline, conditioning, practice, study, coaching, drill, experience, and character.
The team went crazy with sheer delight. For seven days, the boys ate, drank and breathed football. At night they dreamed about touchdowns and rumbleseats. The entire school caught the spirit of ecstasy, and a holiday fever pervaded the campus. Each player could visualize himself behind the wheel of a gorgeous coup with the attention of the girls in school focused solely on them.
Finally, the big night arrived and the team assembled in the locker room. Excitement was at an unprecedented high. The coach made several inane comments and the boys hurried out to face the enemy. They assembled on the sidelines, put their hands together and shouted a simultaneous "Rah!" Then they ran onto the field and were demolished, 38 to zero.”
The team's exuberance did not translate into a single point on the scoreboard. Seven days of hooray and whoop-de-do simply couldn't compensate for the players' lack of discipline, conditioning, practice, study, coaching, drill, experience, and character.
In American spiritually, many often believe that one hour of church on Sunday filled with a message from a cracker-jack speaker and worship led by the best-of-the-best would change their lives from daily losing to winning. It’s a harsh reality when they learn no amount of paid professionals & emotional hype compensates for daily discipline, conditioning, practice, study, character, and coaching. Focus on Him every day and you will succeed!
4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.” – Deuteronomy 6:4-9