Thursday, January 26, 2017

A Loving Message Minute

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Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ bringing you a Message Minute.

Valentines Day is just a little over two weeks away.  What are you doing to make the life of your loved one better?  For the next 16 days, I'd like to suggest that you focus on one statement a day from the 1Corinthians 13 chapter all about Love.

Ashley and Topher before a sunset in January 2016.
Here's what Paul says love is not or doesn't do: not envy, not boast, not proud, not dishonor others, not self-seeking, not easily angered, keeps no records of wrongs, not delight in evil.

Here's what Paul says love is or does:  patient, kind, rejoices with truth, protects, trusts, hopes , perseveres.

Love never fails.
Tweet: Love never fails! 1 Corinthians 13:8a

Take one of these per day, meditate on it, chew it over in your mind, in-grain it into the actions of your day toward your loved one.  Change your daily habits starting now to give your spouse the best Valentine's day present ever.  Love.  You'll be glad you did.

Now for the practical nuts and bolts. 
I want to share what I organized for myself.  (Yes, I know my wife will likely read it, and I may lose an element of surprise, but it will still be a blessing for both of us.)   Here's how it works out in my prayer and study calendar.  Feel free to take this and modify it how ever you would like.  This can be used for men and women alike, but it is written here from my perspective of how to love my wife.
I've made this into a shareable Google Calendar.  CLICK HERE to use it.  I think you can add it to your own calendars by hitting the "+" button at the bottom of the calendars below.  I hope this helps someone as much as it will help me!

Friday, Jan 27th - Love does not envy
  Pray for God's healing if there are any areas in the areas I am envious of my wife.  Pray for her well being and her personal success in all her endeavors.  Encourage her to spend a little time reading or on the phone with her family tonight, whatever she enjoys.  Organize a babysitter so she can go do whatever she wants. 

Saturday, Jan 28th - Love does not boast
  Pray for my own words today.  God knows that words have the power to hurt or heal.  When someone compliments my family, give the proper credit to God and my wife.  Try hard today to find opportunities to describe how great God and my wife are, not myself or my own abilities.  Remember to tell God how appreciative I am for the gift of my wife.  Use my words in a way that encourages her.

Sunday, Jan 29th - Focus on God's Love
   If I love God through praise, prayer, study, and service and focus on His Love for me, I will better be able to love my wife like Christ loved the Church.  Focus on how Christ loved the Church. "25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish." - Ephesians 5:25-27

Monday, Jan 30th - Love is not proud
  Pray for my own humbleness.  I know that I am the man I am because God gave me a loving wife that supports, encourages, and pushes me.  Remember my own weaknesses and thank God for the way my wife compliments me and fills in my gaps. Remind her of how she is a wonderful compliment for me. 

Tuesday, Jan 31st - Love does not dishonor others
  Do not dishonor the important people in her life.  Whether it is a quirky in-law or her wacky friend, endeavor to be complimentary of someone she loves and respects.  I would do well to even try to read one of her favorite women's blogs and strike up a conversation about a blogger she respects. 

Wednesday, Feb 1st - Love is not self-seeking
  Seriously look at my upcoming expenditures.  Am I spending on my tech toys while she's forgoing getting a nice and comfortable pair of shoes.  Take a good look at my time commitments.  Make sure she is getting adequate time in her schedule for her hobbies too.  Seek her benefit in my earnings and time commitments. 

Thursday, Feb 2nd - Love is not easily angered
  Check this one out without shrugging any infraction off.  Take it seriously, Topher.  During the winter time when I don't get to play sports as often or if our own intimacy tends to lack a little due to seasonal affective disorder (SAD), pay special attention to my tones, connotations, and emotion behind my words.  Avoid getting angry at all, and pray for God's help.  After all, this woman has sacrificed so much of her life to be with me and and raise our children. 

Friday, February 3rd - Love keeps no records of wrongs
   Good grief, undoing all my bad habits is getting tough at this point.  That thing I'm keeping track of, where I feel at times like she isn't adequately meeting my needs or keeping up with it in the home.  STOP IT.  God remembers my sin no more, Topher, try to do the same.  Instead, thank her for all the many things she is doing well!

Saturday, Feb 4th - Love does not delight in evil
  This one's a little tougher.  I guess I need to check my movie and music requests.  Is there anything that she doesn't like that I do or indulge in?  Does it make her blush?  If so, is it because it includes something that isn't Holy?  If it does, I need to make a decision now to just get rid of it. 

Sunday, Feb 5th - Focus on Love for God
  If I love God through praise, prayer, study, and service and focus on His Love for me, I will better be able to love my wife like Christ loved the Church.  Focus on how Christ loved the Church. "25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish." - Ephesians 5:25-27

Monday, Feb 6th - Love is Patient
  Here we go, the positives of 1 Corinthians 13!  YEAH!  Today I'm going to quit rushing quite so much.  I will make sure not to rush her when we go out today.  I'll be attentive to the kids needs so that she can have plenty of time to get ready.  I'll also be very cognizant that Sundays are tough on her as a mom, often showing up in her exhaustion on Mondays, so I'm going to make sure she gets the best patience and understanding that I can give on a Monday. 

Tuesday, Feb 7th - Love is Kind
  Dishes, definitely dishes today.  That would be a huge kindness to her.  While I'm at it, check her list to see if there's anything needing to be fixed that I've been delinquent in.  A little flowers on the dining room table could go a long way today. 

Wednesday, Feb 8th - Love Rejoices with Truth
  Today, I'm going to make sure we start and end the day in prayer together and I'll leave little scripture encouragement notes around for her to focus on.  I think I'll focus on God's Love for her.  Does it get anymore truthful than that?

Thursday, Feb 9th - Love Protects
  I think we'll have a heart to heart tonight after the kids go to bed.  It'll be a good time to ask if she feels threatened or stressed by anyone or any event in life, especially if there are unnecessary requests I've made of her time.  I'll listen intently before I work on my plan for protecting her from the stress or threat.

Friday, Feb 10th - Love Trusts
  Trust her.  For me, that means trusting her with some decision that's really been working on me lately.  Let her in on my own stress and concern that I've been holding back with.  Trust that God gave this woman the wisdom that compliments my own and make sure I'm involving her in a decision.  Plus, if there's a secret sin I'm struggling with, it's time to get it out and trust her grace.  

Saturday, Feb 11th - Love Hopes
  Today's a good day to focus on her dreams, goals, and aspirations.  What does she hope for?  Listen intently with undivided attention and focus on one, Topher, and make dream, goal, and hope plans together.  Make her hopes happen.

Sunday, Feb 12th - Focus on Love for God
  If I love God through praise, prayer, study, and service and focus on His Love for me, I will better be able to love my wife like Christ loved the Church.  Focus on how Christ loved the Church. "25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish." - Ephesians 5:25-27

Monday, Feb 13th - Love Perseveres
  Pray, Pray, Pray.  I've done some good things for my wife in the last couple weeks while focusing on 1 Corinthians 13.  Set up my own plan or a new weekly calendar to make sure I'm doing this all year round.  Don't give up now, Topher, you're just getting started!  Pray for Perseverance and have joy while I keep doing these loving acts.  Also, don't forget that these weren't meant for you wife.  They were meant for me to display to the church in my interactions.  Make sure I'm incorporating others in these plans. 

Tuesday, Feb 14th - Love Never Fails 
    Remind my wife that God's love for her never fails and that my commitment, modeled after God, is that my love will not fail her as long as breath lives within me.  Today, on top of doing something sweet for my wife (which I won't describe here in case she reads it), I will pick out at least one widow to do something sweet for, just to remind them too that God hasn't forgotten them.  His Love never fails. 

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  Message Minutes are sponsored by  Washington Church of Christ and recorded for the public 107.9 The Memories WAMW morning radio program.  They air at approximately 7:35am on Weekday Mornings.

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