Thursday, July 24, 2014

A little volunteering

In my spare time *chuckle* I like to do a little pro-bono graphic & web design work.  Here's what I've been able to come up with since Honduras for the city's bicentennial celebration coming up in 2016.  Feel free to give your thoughts and opinions. I'd like them to be the best they can, after all, I'm only a novice volunteer here.

Can I have your opinion? Which one do you like best so far? In this image you will find the original city seal of Washington. We're considering updating it with one specifically for the bicentennial celebration and one for the city. A couple of our city volunteers have been hard at work coming up with various ideas for the bicentennial seal. We are open to your opinions & suggestions on these preliminary ideas. Featured in the center are George Washington, the courthouse, a train, and a "W" for Washington. Tell me what you like!  Which seals do you think I designed?

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Thanks for your input. May you be blessed today!