Monday, August 11, 2014

Topher Vs. Hornets

At lunchtime today, a good neighbor let us know they had spotted a hornets' nest in our front yard cherry tree. These photos, taken by my lovely and supportive wife through the garage window, document the carnage that ensued. May they serve as a warning to all would-be threats to my family's safety. May they also make you laugh!

"Where, O hornet, is your victory? Where, O hornet, is your sting?" - Adaptation from 1 Corinthians 15:55 just to make you laugh.

Click the photos for the enlarged view.

Hornet Mistake #1
Making your nest in the very visible front yard cherry tree.

Hornet Mistake #2
Sending one of your scout hornets into my neighbor's house a few days before, causing my neighbor to be on the lookout.

Hornet Mistake #3
Making your nest in my boys' favorite climbing tree, thereby threatening the well being of my beloved progeny.

Hornet Mistake #4
Making your nest in the yard of a guy who keeps two cans of wasp/hornet spray on hand.

Hornet Mistake #5
Making your nest in the yard of a tennis coach who has ample old rackets to expend on your feeble attempts at retaliation.

Hornet Mistake #6
Making your nest in the yard of a guy who has a mapp gas torch and who likes to find reasons to use it.

Round #1 - The Spray

Round #1 - The Spray
Round #2 - The Tennis Rackets

Round #2 - The Tennis Rackets

Round #2 - The Tennis Rackets

Round #3 - The Torch

1 comment:

  1. Christopher Wiles this is so funny but.. I wondered why you did not have a BEE Suit and hat on to protect you. Thank GOD you are alive. HE must also have been amused.


Thanks for your input. May you be blessed today!