Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Church Bulletin Article for Dec 1st, 2013 - "Commitments"

Living Lessons:  Sunday, December 1st, 2013  

Commitment, that has been the word of the week before me.  Some of the following questions have recently been asked by myself or others:  “How committed are we to helping in tornado cleanup?”  “How committed are we to the homeschool cooperative and education?”  “How committed are we to the our church family and seeing it grow?”  “How committed are we to following Christ?” “Are we over committed?” “Are we fulfilling our commitments?”

Commitment, it’s an idea that can develop deep trusting relational bonds between two human beings.   

Commitment, it’s a concept that can create deep wounds and divisions in a group. 

Today, I was inspired with the thought of a sermon or series, “From Jephthah to Jesus: Commitment in the Bible.”  Jephthah was so determined to fulfill his vow before the Lord that he would sacrifice his own family’s and descendants’ well-being.  This story of faithful commitment lands him in the great Hebrews 11:32 "Hall of Faith" passage in the midst of Bible greats like Gideon, Barak, Samson, David, and the prophets.  Wow, that is commitment!

Jesus as well went so far as to say, “You shall not make false vows, but shall fulfill your vows to the Lord.” He also stated, “Let your statement be, ‘Yes, yes’ or ‘No, no’, anything beyond these is of evil.” (from Matthew 5:33-37)  What another great verse encouraging commitment!

If you or I make a commitment, we should endeavor to get it done.  It’s something many of us need to work on.  This holiday season, in the midst of busy times and many commitments, please endeavor to keep your vows.  Most importantly, remember to keep the vows you once made to your Lord and to His bride, the Church.  May your holidays be blessed with fulfilling commitments. 

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