Give Respect, Give Honor
“I’m almost
pacifist.” I’ve said these words for
years. Whether handling interpersonal
conflict or handling large international national wars, I think the Way of the
Christ is resolving conflict through peaceful means. I think so many times our country, our
lawmakers, our police, and even our church members, try to resolve conflict in
angry outbursts and violence that creates more problems than it solves. I think at times we have forgotten our Savior’s
With that mindset,
you might think that I practice like a portion of my pacifist friends who don’t
honor national holidays such as Veterans Day or Memorial Day. You might think wrong.

I may
disagree with the methods used, but I can recognize a sincere heart that has
motivated our Veterans to serve in the
armed services. In particular I want to
take this moment to honor Heath and Jarrod Robinson who are now serving us, now
protecting us, and now sacrificing for us.
I respect their heart and honor their commitment. Why would I do such a thing? Check out the following verse.
Paul tells the believers in Rome in the 13th chapter
and 7th verse of his letter, "Give
to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then
revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor."
If Paul can
tell Jewish Christians to be honorable and respectful of the leaders of Rome, I
think we can do it for our Veterans. Who
can you honor today? Who can you give
your respect to today?
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