Sunday, May 20, 2018

A President with Pluck

A President With Pluck
by: Topher Wiles
As we begin our conversations of elders and deacons within the growing church, we would be remiss if we ignored the prominent (yet humble) church and national leader, James A. Garfield.  Garfield began his service as the 20th president of the United States in 1881.   
Garfield left us with many inspiring quotes including:
     “If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should not grow old.”
     “A pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck.” 
     “Man does not live by bread alone; he must have peanut butter.”
While I am joined with President Garfield in my love of peanut butter, his noteworthy servitude in the church gives me the most respect for this man.  

Image result for james a garfield
The first week after his inauguration as President of the United States, a member of his cabinet insisted on an urgent meeting at 10:00 Sunday morning to handle a threatened national crisis.  Garfield refused to attend because he had a more important appointment.  The cabinet member demanded to know what it was.  The president replied, “I will be as frank as you are.  My engagement is with the Lord to meet Him in His house at His table at 10:00 tomorrow, and I shall be there.”

James A. Garfield resigned as an elder of the church of Christ in 1881 to take office as President.  It is reported on that occasion he said, “I resign the highest office in the land to become President of the United States.”

Possessing a youthful spirit, a taste for peanut butter, and service as elder in the Lord’s church, President Garfield’s efforts are an inspiration to those who would follow in his footsteps.  May you be inspired as we continue our conversations of the God ordained servant leadership in our church.
History primarily from