Thursday, April 17, 2014

Living Lessons: The Rising of Spring

Living Lessons: April 20th, 2014
The Rising of Spring by Christopher Wiles

Homemade snow cream doesn't beat it.  Sledding down the FastMax hill can't top it.  Even as much as I love making snow forts and having an all out snowball war, I still like spring better. Spring has finally sprung.  We're getting outside to wash our ice wearied cars.  We've got the mowers sharpened and readied to manicure the rapidly rising grass.  Those 60-70 degree afternoons have returned with their highly anticipated regularity.  Spring has sprung and I love it.

What do you like so much about the spring?  Could it be the deep life affirming green of the grass?  Is it the daffodils blooming in full force?  Could it be the myriad of rabbits hopping and playing through your yard? 
Rising.  For me spring is all about rising.  The foliage is rising rubbing the sleep from its long dormant eyes.  The animals are rising from their dark nests, holes, and burrows.  Neighbors are rising from the isolating fog of long depressive winter moods to greet their community once again.  The sun even seems to be rising with renewed strength, vigor, and warmth every single day. 

With the growth of grass, the sparrow singing, the rabbit romping, I am oft reminded of the rising that trumps all risings.  Spring reminds me of the rising of our Lord and Savior.   No other event has so changed the destiny of creation.  No other act has so baffled the minds of men.  It is the rising of the Christ that is arguably the most controversial and wonderful historical event of the last two millenniums.

In this one single event I was given life; life that is new, abundant, and fulfilling.    I am grateful for the spring, and the reminder of the Christ that the rising brings.  What about you? 

"He is not here; he has risen, just as he said." - Matthew 28:6

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