Costa Rica Adventures #01
Good morning Gabriel, Ethan, and Micah. I sure do miss you boys. I bet you're having a good time at Nana & Haha's house. Have you played any Wii bowling, mario kart, or airplane yet? Speaking of airplanes, you guys haven't flown on a commercial airline yet, so I thought I might just show you around a little bit on my blog. There's a lot of fun to be had and a lot of interesting sights and people to see!
At this moment I'm sitting in a little Costa Rican Cafe inside the airport, and it's pretty early in the morning! (2am more precisely.) I just bought an orange Gatorade to drink (be careful of local water) from my new friend Pablo. He said it was a good thing I was going to the church this morning after leaving the airport. He acted like it was a very rare thing and Pablo asked a lot of questions. Then I chatted with a guy named Caz from Vancouver, Canada. Caz was an idea type of guy who had lots of suggestions about seeds we should take down to our friends in Guajire, Honduras.
So that's where I am now, but why don't I take you to where I was?
The Indy Airport Rolling Walkway!
Inside my small commercial plane
I've got more videos and pictures to come, but the internet here is SOOOO slow. I look forward to seeing you all soon!
"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you." - Philippians 1:3
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