Jesus the Christ had a marvelous way of conveying deep spiritual truths by using stories and object lessons from the living world around Him. As we endeavor to draw people to the foot of the cross, let us enjoy this effective style of sharing by following His example.
An Amazing Change: It’s 10 AM on Monday morning, AND IT’S 62 DEGREES OUTSIDE! As I stepped out of the church building I was greeted with that long missed feeling of strong breezes and cool air tickling your skin as it whisks by. Three days ago, to go outside was to sweat, with a high temperature at 102 degrees causing us to pant and gasp for something to quench our thirst and repel the heat. Then, in what seems to be the blink of an eye, the weather has back-flipped. At this moment, we’re grateful for the refreshing change, the reprieve, the respite from the heavy heat.
That same refreshing change that comes over the Earth in an instant is the same change that could come over us as Christians. For those moments when life is swelteringly hot, a life with Christ offers us an instantaneous reprieve. He’s right there beside us, offering us a cool refreshing drink of living water, all we have to do is accept. Jesus calmed the worrying turbulent storms for His disciples didn’t He? The peace-bringing Savior can give us a refreshing change from the oppressive heat storms of the world as well. If you enjoyed the wonderful change he offered in the weather outside, why don’t you ask him to change the atmosphere inside as well? Don’t forget the best part of the reprieve Jesus offers us: while the outside weather will certainly cycle again away from the comfortable temperatures you enjoy, the atmospheric change Jesus offers inside us is here to stay.
Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will become thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water I give them will never be thirsty again. The water that I give them will become a spring that gushes up to eternal life!” John 4:13-14
Christopher’s topics of study for this week
Open communication is a great way for us all to share and grow together. Letting you know what I’m studying in the office is a great way for you to share in prayer and study with me to improve the effectiveness of our church.
Preaching, Fred Craddock – The Formation of a Sermon
The Family Friendly Church, Ben Freudenburg – Conclusions
Christian Counseling, Gary Collins – Dealing with Guilt
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