257 Swift Rd
Sparta, TN 38583
Here's a list of steps to drive from the church building to our address:
- Head south on N Main St toward E Rhea St (south) - for 456 ft
- Turn left onto Bockman Way (east) - for 0.3 mi
- Turn right onto Gaines St (southeast) - for 0.7 mi
- Gaines St turns slightly right and becomes Country Club Rd (east) - for 1.5 mi
- Turn right on Swift Rd. (east) - for 827 ft
- Turn left (north) into Christopher & Ashley's driveway where the motorhome is located. Congratulations, you're here!
It may not show up in Google maps, so here is the best information I can give you.
View it's information on a map here: https://goo.gl/maps/nLYYQrGPS8r
Here it is again:
Here's a link to the directions from the Central Church of Christ.
Here's the map of directions itself.
Here's a list of steps to drive from the church building to our address:
- Head south on N Main St toward E Rhea St (south) - for 456 ft
- Turn left onto Bockman Way (east) - for 0.3 mi
- Turn right onto Gaines St (southeast) - for 0.7 mi
- Gaines St turns slightly right and becomes Country Club Rd (east) - for 1.5 mi
- Turn right on Swift Rd. (east) - for 827 ft
- Turn left (north) into Christopher & Ashley's driveway where the motorhome is located. Congratulations, you're here!